Are your horse's painful hooves getting in the way of your time together?
I get it—you’re a caring horse owner who just wants the best for your equine companion, and it’s tough to see them in pain. It can be frustrating when your horse is reluctant to ride after you’ve been looking forward to it all week, or becomes irritable due to pain, putting strain on the wonderful connection you share. When pain overshadows their experience, it becomes challenging to enjoy your moments together and build a positive relationship.
You might observe the following:
- Your horse tends to avoid rough or rocky surfaces, preferring to walk on sand or grass.
- Your horse is hesitant to lift his hooves, particularly for extended periods.
- Your horse's hooves may chip or break easily, or appear to grow differently compared to other horses.
- Your horse shows signs of discomfort during movement, such as head shaking.
- Your horse's gait and posture may seem unusual, or he may be unwilling to stand squarely.
- Your horse may experience upper body pain, such as in the stifle or lower back.

Hoof care wasn't always a priority for me, and as a result, my horses developed chronic laminitis, leading to at least two years of rehabilitation.

At the start of my journey, I had limited knowledge about hoof care, and when several of our horses developed chronic laminitis, I felt powerless. The situation escalated to the point where I was warned that we might have to euthanise them if things didn’t improve soon. Fortunately, I found amazing mentors who guided me through this challenging time, and their support was crucial in why my horses are alive today, and now thriving. From that moment on, I committed myself to helping others with horses suffering from hoof pain, aiming to simplify the process and actively seek solutions to their challenges.